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D.C. Motor Starter

D.C. Motor Starter

If a d.c. motor whose coil is stationary is switched on to its provide voltage, it's doubtless that the fuses protective the motor can give way.

This is as a result of the coil resistance is tiny, ofttimes being but one ohm. Thus, extra resistance should be additional to the coil circuit at the moment of closing the switch to start out the motor.

 because the speed of the motor will increase, the coil conductors are cutting flux and a generated voltage, acting con to the applied voltage, is made, that limits the flow of coil current. therefore the worth of the extra coil resistance will then be reduced.

When at traditional running speed, the generated e.m.f. is specified no extra resistance is needed within the coil circuit. to realize this varied resistance within the coil circuit on beginning, a d.c. motor starter is employed, as shown in Figure 21.28.

The crank is touched slowly during a clockwise  direction to begin the motor. For a shunt-wound motor, the field winding is connected to stud one or to L via a slippy contact on the crank, to allow most field current,

Hence most flux, thus most torsion on beginning, since T/8Ia. an analogous arrangement while not the field affiliation is employed for series motors.

D.C. Motor Starter D.C. Motor Starter Reviewed by I will write articles or blogs containing 500 words for you..... on April 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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