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The Idea of Electric Potential

In Fig. 1.1,  a simple voltaic cell is shown.  It consists of copper plate (known as anode) and a zinc rod (i.e. cathode) immersed in dilute sulphuric acid (H2SO4) contained in a suitable vessel.  The chemical action taking place within the cell causes the electrons to be removed from copper plate and to be deposited on the zinc rod at the same time.  This transfer of electrons is accomplished through the agency of the diluted H2SO4 which is known as the electrolyte.  The result is that zinc rod becomes negative due to the deposition of electrons on it and the copper plate becomes positive due to the removal of electrons from it.  The large number of electrons collected on the zinc rod is being attracted by anode but is prevented from returning to it by the force set up by the chemical action within the cell.

Fig. 1.1. Fig. 1.2 But if the two electrodes are joined by a wire externally, then electrons rush to the anode thereby equalizing the charges of the two electrodes.  However, due to the continuity of chemical action, a continuous difference in the number of electrons on the two electrodes is maintained which keeps up a continuous flow of current through the external circuit.  The action of an electric cell is similar to that of a water pump which, while working, maintains a continuous flow of water i.e., water current through the pipe (Fig. 1.2)

. It should be particularly noted that the direction of electronic current is from zinc to copper in the external circuit.  However, the direction of conventional current (which is given by the direction
of flow of positive charge) is from copper to zinc.  In the present case, there is no flow of positive charge as such from one electrode to another.  But we can look upon the arrival of electrons on copper plate (with subsequent decrease in its positive charge) as equivalent to an actual departure of positive charge from it.

 When zinc is negatively charged, it is said to be at negative potential with respect to the electrolyte, whereas anode is said to be at positive potential relative to the electrolyte.  Between themselves, copper plate is assumed to be at a higher potential than the zinc rod.  The difference in potential is continuously maintained by the chemical action going on in the cell which supplies energy to establish this potential difference.
The Idea of Electric Potential The Idea of Electric Potential Reviewed by I will write articles or blogs containing 500 words for you..... on April 09, 2019 Rating: 5

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